Quick Rix Remix,Raphael Hefti
拉斐尔·海帝(Raphael Hefti),瑞士人,现生活在苏黎世和伦敦。2011年在伦敦大学斯莱德美术学院拿到艺术创作硕士。拉斐尔的作品曾在瑞士巴塞尔美术馆(Kunsthalle Basel),伦敦白立方画廊(White CubeGallery London),亚尔的梵高基金会,日内瓦的诺丁汉当代艺术中心等多个著名艺术机构展出。在目前正值展期的瑞士巴塞尔艺术博览会上,拉斐尔也有作品参展。
LIVE METALS,Raphael Hefti
Subtraction as Addition,Raphael Hefti
这位出生于 1978 年的瑞士艺术家曾受过电子机械学训练,这也许并不令人讶异……因为他既像冶炼工程师,又像疯狂的科学家。他用玻璃、铁和相纸进行大胆实验,创造出前卫和极具吸引力的艺术形式:他将各种材料的可能性发挥到极致,并且经常与科学家、工程师和工人合作,在工业环境中制作作品。拉斐尔出生于制表重镇比尔,最初在瑞士洛桑州立艺术学院(ECAL)学习摄影,后于 2011 年从伦敦斯莱德美术学院毕业。他早期的实验着重于摄影法,借助石松子孢子,或传统上用于制造烟火和顺势疗法的“女巫粉”等材料创造出耐人寻味的有趣照片……
The Violet Blue Green yellow Orange Red House,Raphael Hefti
From the series Underlay Push Sticks, Raphael Hefti
Replaying the mistake of a broken hammer,Raphael Hefti
Replaying the mistake of a broken hammer,Raphael Hefti
We are not one way trip to mars people,Raphael Hefti
The action pivotal quest revolves around some fundamental visual codes we all share spanning from the tropes of painting to the street marking vocabulary and combine their means through the macroscopic dimension of labour. The way how the artist use the paint and the colors consistence of the material refers to sculpture. For the project in Pingyao, Hefti will create a surface with a pattern that remind the plan of the ancient city of Ping Yao.
展览名称 | 首届平遥国际雕塑节
展览时间 | 2018年7月20日 - 8月20日
展览地址 | 平遥古城西大街153号(原柴油机厂旧址)
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Born in 1978 in Biel, Switzerland, Raphael Hefti is an artist based in London and Zurich. He received his MFA from the Slade School of Fine Art in 2011.
Swiss artist Raphael Hefti combine in his practice an innate understanding of materials and technical knowledges with his interest for the aesthetic of error and unexpected. In his career he collaborated with several industries experiencing a multiplicity of processes of production spanning from the high technology industry to the paving industry or again castings companies to crystal producers. His research is devoted to locate unwanted mistakes and twist them into means for rethink fundamental aspects of productivity. This then leads to new twisted processes and his attempt to push materials to their limits.
Recent solo and group exhibitions include Kunsthalle Basel, CAPC Bordeaux, White Cube Gallery London, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, Camden Arts Centre London, Fondation Van Gogh Arles, Museum van Boijmans Rotterdam, Art Basel Statements, Fondation Anticipation Lafayette Paris, Nottingham Contemporary and others.